Monthly meeting 09 May 2021

Monthly meeting 09 May 2021

The Corona Gods are still mad at us so we will have to meet online again this month.

On Sunday, Kevin Monsecour will take us along to one of those families with which it all started for him, and which has been through some changes recently: the family Angariidae.

The link to the meeting can be found in the member email as usual. Not a member and still interested? No problem: just ask for the link via messenger or email.

Everyone is welcome as of 9.30 a. m. and as always we’ll start at 10 a. m. sharp !

See you on Sunday !

Monthly meeting 11 april 2021

Monthly meeting 11 april 2021

This Sunday we’ll meet again via the digital channel for our monthly meeting.

For once, the COVID regulations are of advantage to us, as the digital character of the meeting allows Guido Poppe to attend each time. On Sunday he will take us on a virtual tour of his new home, the Philippines, for an undoubtably fascinating story.

The link to the meeting can be found in the invitation mail, or via request via the general email address. (welcome as of 9u30; we start themeetin at 10h sharp).

See you on Sunday !

List collection interests available

List collection interests available

In addition to the announcements at the monthly meeting this morning:

The first list with collection interests of our members can be found on our website, after login, under “Documenten” in the folder “Diverse”.

(also see

Online monthly meeting 14 March 2021

Online monthly meeting 14 March 2021

We’ll be having our 5th digital monthly meeting on Sunday 14 March.

Goran Vertriest will take us on a journey through the most recent developments within the stromboid genus Canarium. He’ll be focusing on newly described genera and species and comparing them to the “traditional” approach.

If you want to join us, don’t hesitate to ask us for this meeting’s zoomlink.

See you on Sunday !

(Image: Illustration of the external morphology of L. canarium, from Manual of Conchology (Tryon,1885) – also see

Online monthly meeting 14 February 2021 – Ficidae: 20 tears later

Online monthly meeting 14 February 2021 – Ficidae: 20 tears later

During the monthly meeting of 14/02/2021, Chris Vos will take us on a voyage through time, from the 2000 Iconography up untill today.

In doing so, we’ll have a look at what has happened meanwhile, and what was published (and what not) to finally have a look at the species of Ficidae known today.

The meeting will again be held online via Zoom, for which a link will be forwarded to members in the week preceding the meeting.

Be there !

Online monthly meeting 10 January 2021 – Statutary meeting

Online monthly meeting 10 January 2021 – Statutary meeting

Dear members,

First and foremost our best wishes for 2021!

Let’s hope that we can meet in real life a little more often this year, and that we will be able to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the club and the 30th shell show all together.

Yet let’s start at the beginning, and in January that traditionally means the statutary meeting this Sunday January 10th.. Like the previous monthly meetings, this meeting will take place digitallyvia zoom.

The online meeting will be accessible as of 9u30 And we’ll start at 10 a. m. sharp. Unfortunately, we’ll have to do without the traditional cosy reception afterwards, yet we are looking forward to see many of you again from behind the webcams.

You can find the Zoom-link in the email which was sent earlier this week.

Didn’t get it? Then quickly contact us via the central e-mail address.

See you on Sunday !

5th Ye ol’ (online) shell quiz

5th Ye ol’ (online) shell quiz

The fifth edition of our annual shell quiz was attended by some 20 members and some guests from our Dutch friends of the NMV (Dutch Malacological Society).

They all fought bravely and fiercely for their honour and the prizes. The winners were Wilfried Nees (3rd), Albert van den Bruele (2nd) and Guido Poppe (1st).


Monthly meeting 13 December 2020

Monthly meeting 13 December 2020 – 5th Ye ol’ Shell Quiz

It’s that time again: The last meeting of the year is coming up so we invite you all this Sunday 13 December to participate in our 5th “Ye ol’ Shell Quiz”.

Seen as the current context, this meeting will also be held digitally. Those people who didn’t receive the meeting link, can always contact us before Sunday.

The meeting will start at 10h sharp with a few messages as usual, followed by the quiz as such. Contrary to previous years, we’ll (have to) play individually and enter our answers digitally – which is easy peasy (and was duly tested)..

One day before, on Saturday 12 December, our Dutch colleagues of the NMV will also organise an online meeting to which we are all invited to participate. (NVM members have also been invited to participate in our quiz, by the way). The lecture will be hosted by Arie Twigt who will talk about his way of collecting, and will show some interesting finds. The lecture starts at 14.00h. BVC members who are interested to join that lecture, can ask the BVC board for the meeting link.

Idea for a day out

Idea for a day out

As of Monday, museums in Ghent will re-open –

including the “Wereld van Kina”, where an entire hall is dedicated to (a. o.) shells.

This hall was constructed (a. o.) by our newest member, and some of our more senior members also contributed indirectly.

Herewith a little teaser to make you feel like going for a visit. Want to know more about the museum? See