Shell Show 2024 – Photographs available

Shell Show 2024 – Photographs available

Missed the monthly meeting this morning? Didn’t see the Slide show with photographs of our Shell Show?

No worries. Meanwhile, some 5 photographs AND the slide show which was shown this morning are available in th emember’s zone of the website, in a specific folder “Schelpenbeurs 2024” created for that purpose.


Monthly meeting March 2024

Monthly meeting 10 March – Change of subject

Due to circumstances, the foreseen presentation is cancelled, yet we can offer a – super fun – alternative: We’ll do determinations of European Phorcus !!!

With the guidance of Frank Swinnen, and with photographs at hand by Gilbert Verbinne, we’ll get started with the (re-)determination of our own material.

SO: If you have European Phorcus (formerly Monodonta), bring them along, and compare – or swap if desired !

PS: For those who ordered material from Bodemschat: The orders will be available on Sunday too so please pass by and collect your order.

Literature ABC islands

Literature snails ABC islands available

After the very nice and educational presentation at the monthly meeting of November, Sylvia was kind enough to share a few PDF’s concerning land shails of Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao and St Maarten.

These works are now available to members in the member zone, under the folder E-books (so log in first).


Monthly meeting November 2023

Monthly meeting November 2023 – don’t miss it !

For our monthly meeting on 12 November, we can count on Sylvia van Leeuwen who will bring us a story of the search for landsnails on the ABC islands.

IN het talk “Snail research on the ABC islands, and Estafetta-expedition to Bonaire“, Sylvia will take us along to the paradise islands of Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao and illustrates the snails – endemic and other – which she encountered, with some photographs added of those islands, and the story of the expedition which made this research possible.

Highly recommended !!

Monthly meeting August 2023

Monthly meeting August 2023

At the Kune monthly meeting there was a lot of enthousiasm for a monthly meeting in August. Herewith thus an invitation for this meeting!

Just like last year, we’ll be going for a so-called ‘open meeting‘. All those who wish to share something briefly, can do so. It does not have to be a full presentation – just a small announcement or sharing is also possible.

Would you like to share something? Let us know so we can add you to the overview for that day..

Would you like to attend as a spectator? Then add the date to your – rainy – summer agenda!

Hopefully untill then!


The new poster has arrived!

Our 32nd shell show is still fresh in our memories, yet herewith we can provide the new poster for the 33rd edition for next year!

Flyers are being printed as we speak, yet do not hesitate to share the new poster electronically with family and friends, or on social media.

Shell Show : Traffic Update!!

Shell Show : Traffic Update!!

For visitors and dealers travelling to the 32nd Antwerp Shell Show on 20-21 May via Ghent – Antwerp, please be advised that during the weekend of 18-21 May, the Kennedy Tunnel will be closed for all traffic coming from Ghent and passing Antwerp in the direction of Breda (meaning that the E19 towards Brussels cannot be reached via the E17 Ghent-Antwerp and Antwerp orbital (R2) either).

Coming from Ghent, the N16 via Temse and Willebroek towards Mechelen can provide an alternative, yet busy traffic can be expected on that route. When planning, please consider travel will take longer.

Other alternatives include: Ghent to Brussels (E40) and then E19 direction Antwerp OR E17 Ghent-Antwerp and next Ring Antwerp northward (Liefkenshoek Tunnel) and follow the ring until the connection with the E19 towards Brussels.

Further information:,verlichting%20veilig%20af%20te%20ronden.

Gloria Maris (vol. 61(4)) Update!!

Gloria Maris (vol. 61(4)) Update!!

Due to unforeseen circumstances last year, the publication of issues 3 and 4 of volume 61 (2022) were delayed. We have been working hard to catch up and will continue the hard work to get volume 62 started and with our members as soon as we can.

The last issue of the 2022 series (Volume 61(4)) has been issued on April 17th, and distribution will commence at our annual shell show on May 20 and 21. After the show, we will send out the copies to our overseas members who were not present at the shell show.

Please bear in mind that we have been experiencing issues with posting to a few countries, where some issues never even arrived at their destination. Should you not have received your copy by the end of June, please contact us and we will send a new copy.

André Delsaerdt-award

André Delsaerdt-award

DON’T forget !!!

Would you like to participate with an “inspiring” expo and compete for the “André Delsaerdt-award” during our shell show on 20 and 21 May 2023? Please inform us in time so we can reserve a display cabinet for you.

Please bear in mind the inside measurements: 195.5 cm x 60.5 cm, with height at the front of 5 cm towards 11.5 cm at the back.

See you then!

New database online

New database online

With the recent issue of Gloria Maris (vol. 61(3)), our database with the content of Gloria Maris has also been updated and is now available from the page “Magazine” on our website.
